Safety of AE dash and security of our user’s wallets is our top priority. We utilize multiple encryption approaches to make sure that our user's data is protected. Additionally, our employ state of the art anti-flooding system in an attempt to block most incoming attacks on our servers.


Measures we take to protect your accounts

  • All user data is protected with AES-256 encryption and remains completely confidential.

  • User's credentials are hashed via RSA-2048 encryption.

  • Each incoming request must pass through the strict and secure   SSL protocol certification.

  • Complex user account passwords. A combination of letters, numbers, and symbols is supported and recommended.

  • Multi-factor authentication (2FA) with email confirmation. This free and autonomous service should be used on every user account.

  • All successful and failed login attempts are recorded with timestamps, IP addresses, and user locations. The algorithm automatically examines the authenticity of the email for potential spoofing attempts.

  • Extra precautionary measures are taken with each failed login attempt. When the designated limit login limit is exceeded, the access to the dash is blocked and the IP address is blacklisted for an extended period.

  • Our security algorithms is designed to monitor the unusual activity of each user account. Upon detection, any access to your account is immediately blocked, and all active sessions are terminated.

  • User information is stored on a separate secure network with restricted access to anyone except the AE admins. The AE dash is protected by a secure firewall.

  • As an extra layer of security, upon import of a new set of API keys, the AE security algorithm always checks to make sure the option to withdraw funds is disabled. In case the withdrawal is enabled, the API key will be automatically rejected.