When we are trading, we are making decisions about what & when to buy and sell. How we arrive at those decisions is up to us, but we are essentially just processing information and thinking about it until we reach a conclusion. Important arbitrage trading decisions can be challenging to make. They are often complicated, involving many factors, some of them with competing interests. The algorithm was designed to assist arbitrage traders in making educated decisions by displaying the historical price differences between a pair across multiple exchanges.
Choose the first exchange to be compared.
- Choose the second exchange to be compared.
Choose a pair to be compared between the two selected exchanges.
Zoom - historic spread graph could be zoomed in to 15 minutes and out to 1 year.
The vertical axis on the left side indicates the price of the selected pair.
The vertical axis on the right side indicates the spread in percentage across selected exchanges.
The mini zoom function designed for closing in / out on events.
Indicates Min. Maximum & Average Spread for the selected time period.
The green spread line indicates the magnitude of the price difference for pair between the selected exchanges.
The blue line represents exchange 1
The orange line represents exchange 2
Double click or tap directly on the white vertical line to drop a benchmark "A". To calculate the price change in % from the benchmark "A" to point a"B", simply tap or right-click anywhere on the graph.